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My whole computer is locking up, a staff of kingsi

Dec 22, 2008
Lately while playing my game my whole game and screen and everything else locks up. I even know this because when i move my mouse around, the little wand on the screen doesn't move with it. Every time you guys have a bunch of updates, which you have been lately, messes me up sometimes. Is there any files that need to be deleted for it to run better or is it a virus that I might have downloaded from something else that is making me lock up? Plz explain this to me as I fear I might have to stop playing your wonderful game on my computer. Every time I do restart though, it grows less and less time. A few days ago it would be like three hours before I lock up. Then less and less and now tonight it would happen like every 8-10 minutes. Please find the solution so I can continue this awesome game! :(

Sounds like you need to do a Spring Cleaning on your computer!

Mr Lincoln can look into the problem for you, just tell him what is happening by contacting him through the Help & Support link on the left - look for the Contact Us tab.

Jul 19, 2009
Are you saying after a reboot the game runs much better? If so it may be memory leaks which are an issue with most games. I run 4gigs of ram in my machine so it would take a long time for memory leaks to affect me, so I can't say if this particular game is affected by it.