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Training points

Jul 17, 2009

On my life wizard I made a mistake with my training points. I was using them on death up to feint, but I used them after feint and I didn't want to. So I wanted to reset them so I went to Mr. Lincoln in Golem Court. But it costs around 2000 crowns and I have only a few crowns.

My suggestion is that maybe you could pay around 30,000 or 50,000 gold to reset your training points instead of crowns. Some of us probably don't want to waste 5$ or don't have that kind of money to get crowns. Please post I would love to hear your opinion on this

Jesse Bear
Master Theurgist

May 02, 2009
Great idea.
Since crowns are another type of currency you have to buy, gold would do much more nicly.

the cost would still vary from the amount of points spent, but gold is cheaper (and easier to get) than having to buy crowns all the time.

Jul 17, 2009
flash33 wrote:
Great idea.
Since crowns are another type of currency you have to buy, gold would do much more nicly.

the cost would still vary from the amount of points spent, but gold is cheaper (and easier to get) than having to buy crowns all the time.

Thanks for your post :) Any else think this is a good idea?

Jun 19, 2009
I Totally agree with this. It's more than for thousand crowns for me, It's getting more and more expensive , Gee I wish KI would also release a new world so I can start getting more gold again

Jun 23, 2009
my thoughts exactly, i shouldn't have to pay for a subscription and crowns. money isn't easy to get, especially in this economy...

lol i sound like my dad :P

Feb 15, 2009

Great idea I also think you should be able to buy them back 1 point at a time like you choose to and you go to your spell book the ones lit up would mean you can give it back I am life fire and myth I have up to helephant in fire minotaur in myth and chose to get reshuffle instead of earthquake I would love to just give up my helephant and take earthquake instead of having to spend 5$ just over one spell ya know.