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Jaques the Scratcher Glitch

Jun 10, 2009
I need to defeat Jaques the Scratcher. The arrow wasn't pointing to where he was, but my brother showed me. Then, it wouldn't even let me go inside, so my brother went in and I teleported. After we defeated Jaques the Scratcher, the quest said that I still needed to defeat him. I don't know what is happening, so can someone please tell me if this has happened to them, or if it is something I have done wrong. Please respond as soon as possible. Thank you.

Dec 09, 2008
BahienbenoIV wrote:
I need to defeat Jaques the Scratcher. The arrow wasn't pointing to where he was, but my brother showed me. Then, it wouldn't even let me go inside, so my brother went in and I teleported. After we defeated Jaques the Scratcher, the quest said that I still needed to defeat him. I don't know what is happening, so can someone please tell me if this has happened to them, or if it is something I have done wrong. Please respond as soon as possible. Thank you.
there are to times you fight him mostlikely you went to the wrong one