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Castle Magic Glitches

Dec 24, 2011
Castle Magic glitches:

Monstrology -
  • All castle magic cards that are targeted to the same type of house guest will be reset and re-targeted to the house guest of the same kind if it's moved. For example: I have multiple Cyclops' that are all targeted individually with different castle magic cards. But when I move one Cyclops, all of those cards that used to target multiple different Cyclops' are now all targeted to that one single Cyclops that was moved. This does not happen when you place it down from your inventory; only when you move it. This also occurs when rotating and using advanced placement.
  • The pet cards from castle magic only works with monstrology / house guests if they are assigned to a bread crumb. But if they aren't, any pet castle magic card will not work on them. Regular pets don't need a bread crumb for the pet cards to work.
  • When a house guest is assigned to a pet crumb, you can move them using castle magic but you will not be able to rotate them.

  • When you use a magic start detector to teleport the player to the target object, it doesn't work. When you use a magic timer and set it to teleport the player at one second (with timer starts on and repeat) it takes 12 seconds to teleport the player. This doesn't happen with other castle magic cards, just the teleport cards. This delay occurs when you start the area by entering the house from a different location. It doesn't happen when the area is started by closing the housing / decoration menu.

  • When placing down any castle magic item and clicking into its selection screen quickly, it glitches and the menu does not work. It just shows "When Lever switched on cast spell" even when the item is not a lever. You then have to exit the screen and go back in. This is a result of clicking in too fast after placing the item down, but it does get annoying because you begin to encounter this a lot once you get fast with castle magic. This glitch also happens when you do the same thing with advanced placement.

I'm hoping to spend some time working on Castle Magic for the Fall Update, I'll try to look into these problems then.

Thanks for letting us know!

Arthur (Gary)

Dec 31, 2009
Can you look into fishing in dark waters, like sardonyx, I am going blind trying to actually see the fish there, thanks. There are several areas where the water is so dark green you can not see the fish, if you need a list, let me know.