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Availability of cards to purchase

Jun 19, 2010
I do wish you would make your cards we can purchase available on your website. I live in New England - there are no Kroger, or Pilot, or many other stores you promote the cards in. We do have Walmart, but most of the time there are no Wizard101 game cards, and there is a Game Stop about 25 miles from me, which says they no longer carry the Wizard101 cards.
I am sure it is not just me in New England that really wishes they could take advantage of the cards you promote on the start-up screen. I am sure there are others that like to play the game but either the store is too far away, or if they do get to a store, the cards are not available.
With some of the bundle, or house cards, there is some great gear /pets/mounts which I have not been able to take advantage of. Eventually some of those items end up as a special short time purchase, or reformatted into a crowns pack. But it is months or years after it was first released, and we all know the futility of getting what you desire in a pack purchase.
Not to sound like a gripe, but . . . players that live in more rural areas, or in New England seem to be at a disadvantage compared to those that live near a city, or in the central swath across the continent.
So PLEASE consider making all your cards available to all players via your web-site.
You want your players to spend crowns or cash, make it so we can support your game via the ability to purchase the items you promote.
Rowan times six