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How much it costs to craft each stage deck decathlon

Jun 28, 2013
hello fellow Wizards & Witches. I have become an expert in all the deckathalon events. I was probably the first to craft the ultimate hands of fate (right after the seventh event). I actually have 2 of them, working on a third. I often get asked what does it take to craft each deck.well here it is all by the exact numbers of what you will need for each level deck, I am also using a reference letter chart (R = regular rune) (E = enhanced rune) (S = Superior rune),..
So here is the complete chart,..

Deck 1 = 5 R runes
Deck 2 = 20 R runes
Deck 3 = 45 R runes
Deck 4 = 85 R runes, 2 E runes
Deck 5 = 160 R runes, 6 E runes
Deck 6 = 280 R runes, 14 E runes
Deck 7 = 475 R runes, 28 E runes, 2 S runes
Deck 8 = 795 R runes, 52 E runes, 4 S runes
Deck 9 = 1310 R runes, 92 E runes, 8 S runes
Deck 10 = 2145 R runes, 158 E runes, 18 S runes

So there you have it, hope this helps. It should give you a better understanding of what you will need from scratch.